Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Ensign's Log

Here's a rundown of the languages select by the compiler groups of Winter 2007: Lisp, Scheme, Haskell, Python, Java, C++.

I think it's kinda cool.

Tonight's topic are logs and here's a breaking down of one of our teammates thanks to our all-nighter:

Changeset [164] by ianwjhalliday@gmail.com

I'm gonna pull a Dimitri/Rob and not actually comment about my check in... well, ok, symbol_table was rewritten a fair bit, and we now throw package names into the symbol table and can detect the simple error in test-declare-3.adb.

Changeset [173] by ianwjhalliday@gmail.com

Poopy pants

Changeset [174] by ianwjhalliday@gmail.com

Buncha changes. I don't know whats in here, but I know it works on my system.

Despite his breakdown I think this opens an interesting avenue of discussion:

What do you think makes a reasonable log?

I think what makes a good log is to first start by thinking who and how someone would use your log. This leads to me believe a log has two major purposes: 1) to mark progress 2) to note changes that will be useful for bug fixing later on. I'm under the opinion that one should keep an svn log message brief but concise. That means that one would want to note the changes that they've made at a high-level. And if the verbosity of a log is in question then I'd prefer to err on the side of simplicity. Reparation details about how you fixed a bug and why should be left for bug reports. The case number can be referenced from the log itself if needed. And that sums up my thoughts of logs but it reeks of generalization so ...

Here are some of my logs:

04:40 Changeset [172] by robert.luong@gmail.com
Added the final touches to the testsuite.
04:39 Changeset [171] by robert.luong@gmail.com
Added in last few test cases for the night.
04:17 Changeset [170] by robert.luong@gmail.com
Updated scope arrays and scope overloading test cases.
04:11 Changeset [169] by robert.luong@gmail.com
Add duplicate procedure and package test cases.
04:06 Changeset [168] by robert.luong@gmail.com
Added 'panic mode error recovery' test case.

Those are rather poor because those are just updates to our document but here's one:

Changeset [148] robert.luong@gmail.com

Added support for rules to the state struct in parser.lisp. Now complete with debug-messages

And finally, here's one that I'll contrast with one of Ian's own logs

Changeset [134] robert.luong@gmail.com

Fixed bugs
#13 - added char literals, trimmed first and last character from characters and strings, and double "" from strings
#17 - fixed handling the case for scanning 1..9 by adding two buffers: one for handling last acceptable case and the amount that needs to be read

Here's Ian's.

Changeset [151] ianwjhalliday@gmail.com

Turns out that the compile-file function implicitly loads the file it is compiling. This makes sense. Thus, the following (load objfile) in our build-file function was unnecessary. It actually caused errors when using defconstant.

Anyways, what do you think constitutes a good repository log message?

Irreducible Complexity

Ian has spent some time on the grammar thus far. I'm not sure as to what the status of it is but its been grueling dealing with it apparently.

We have had some great issues in dealing with the symbol table, the parse tree, and panic-mode error recovery.

(Draft post, releasing two years later)

Saturday, March 03, 2007


Individual Rant:

Snow Day!

I have been totally destroyed because of Snow Day. Thanks to the MS interviews during reading week I am now behind in both Programming Languages and my Compiler. Snow Day has now pushed my midterm and assignment into one fatal week.

Monday - Crypto Assignment
Tuesday - Compilers Assignment
Wednesday - Programming Languages Assignment | Crypto Midterm
Thursday - Programming Languages Midterm

BUT thanks to saving one late for programming languages, I get to do this!

Monday - Crypto Assignment
Tuesday - Compilers Assignment
Wednesday - Crypto Midterm
Thursday - Programming Languages Midterm
Friday - Programming Languages Assignment

I'm only taking three courses this term. That should be indicative of how much crap I have to do. I'm strangely calm about it though. I think after having a talk with Ian; I've tried to tame my stress a lot more.

Items Completed:
I got simple error recovery and the parse tree done. It should have only took a bit of time because I haven't worked much with the parser.

The parse tree is very simple. When we perform a shift, we create a new 'state' and push it onto the parse stack. When we perform a reduce, we pop the number of states that are required and put them into a list. We then create a new state, add those states as its children and then push it back into the parse stack. Bam, simple as that. There's one mention of it in the Compiler in C.

Simple error recovery is basically massaging the parse stack ok nce again. If we reach invalid input, we pop a state from the stack and try the input again. We do this until we run out of states. If we do, we through away that input and then reset our stack to this before hand. Very neat stuff with great results.

-- < fifteen minutes past> --

Someone broke the build.


-- < two minutes past > --

Ian ran a function I believe that had some archaic code left by Dim that referenced str. You can view this on changeset #138.

Anyways, Ian has been going through the grammar bit by bit perfecting it. We're hitting a trade-off area. Ian has been doing research for a good form of error recovery on suffix grammars. This allows us to parse in reverse order to find a proper match on the suffix. It's a lot better this way because then we can ignore an error and continue parsing on the suffix. The problem is that this is based on using the SLR tool for our grammars. Ian just ran into a portion in our grammar that requires using LALR grammars to sort it out. We could use the ILALR tool but then we can no longer find an easy way to perform our little fix.

Executive decision? We're going with LALR.

Devjavu Feature:

If you type #33 in a log for SVN. When you go to view it in Devjavu, it will directly link you to the bug list. Nifty!