Thursday, November 09, 2006

Status Report: Readings

Its almost mid November. We need to make sure we get all our readings done before the holiday starts. I'm suggesting we aim to have the Lisp book finsihed by the end of November and have most of the Compilers text read one time through before the holidays start. That sounds ambitious now, but I think it'll pay off once we're in class.

I've gotta stop playing StarCraft.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Next step: Lexical Analyzer

We have couple of options at this stage.

1). We can go off and keep reading the compiler text book and a Lisp text book.

2). We can start implementing a A1 which is a lexical anylzer and a parser.
This is under question since we don't know whcih language to use; Cormack decided to ignore our plea about Python.

3). This is my favourite option. There is a need to SQL-92 parser to verify if SQL code complies with SQL-92 standard. There are, of course commercial products, but nothing on the web where you can just post your sql to the form and it will check the code for SQL-92 compliance. The beauty of this project is that exactly fits in with our learning requirements for A1. We only need to implement a lexical analyzer and a parser. Grammar for SQL-92 already exists.

We might be able to reuse lexical analyzer and parser for other grammars, basically A1. I am not even talking about benefits like small ad revenue, industry exposure, and a better looking resume.

What are your thoughts?

Friday, November 03, 2006

Steel Bank Common Lisp

Hello Fellowship of The Compiler,

After a many-hour-long struggle with lord DiskQuota in the evil lands of CSCF. I finally succeded installing SB Common Lisp. Victory came as a surprise when DiskQuota decided to reform his armies and rebuild his indices. Losing his sight of how much of enemy territory I occupied proved to be a fatal mistake and the install succeded.

We now have officially installed order in dark lands previously occupied by DiskQuota.

The governor of those lands will be my much capabale student Steel Bank. His new palace is accessible by windy and dangerous paths. You better know your path before setting out to congratulate him on his new position.

setenv PATH "${PATH}:/u4/dgnidash/lisp/bin"
setenv SBCL_HOME "/u4/dgnidash/lisp/lib/sbcl"

Many dangers await you if you use the wrong shell.

Once you are in the palace, call out "sbcl" to reach Steel Bank.

The shadows are still whispering in the dark corners of the world. Evil is not dead. We might suffer a set back to our early and fragile victory from Evil Permissions.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

AKCL, CLISP, and the Undergrad Environment

I played around very briefly with AKCL. It appears to work for the very basics. I created a function and called it. Yay. But when I tried to quit, (exit) failed. exit was an undefined function. quit also was not recognized. Ctrl+C was eaten up by the top level interpreter and didn't kill the app. I had to terminate the process from another terminal.

In trying to google a way to quit the program, I discovered that AKCL has been turned into GNU CL and AKCL's last version was created over a decade ago. GNU CL was last updated last year, but its not on the school system.

CLISP is not GNU CL. CLISP, however, is a GNU project. We seem to have a name collision here. Anyway, CLISP is found at

Further snooping around the CLISP website, I've discovered that CLISP does not pass its makefile tests on the Sparc processor. There's no unix/sparc implementation available for download. This could be why the MFCF isn't giving us any help. MIT Scheme might be our best option.


Hey guys,
I did 10 second research on CS environment.
Here is what we have installed:
1). MIT Scheme ( which is a pretty good fail back plan )
There is an excellent book ( So I have heard ) Structure of Computer Programs from a course in MIT online.
Cmd: scheme
2). Austin Kyoto Common Lisp
Don't know much about it. Doesn't seem to be well supported. can someone look into it?
Cmd: akcl

So, that's pretty much our choices...or install it on our personal accounts. Can you guys confirm how big an install of clisp is?
When we say CLISP are we talking GNU Common Lisp?
