Thursday, November 02, 2006

AKCL, CLISP, and the Undergrad Environment

I played around very briefly with AKCL. It appears to work for the very basics. I created a function and called it. Yay. But when I tried to quit, (exit) failed. exit was an undefined function. quit also was not recognized. Ctrl+C was eaten up by the top level interpreter and didn't kill the app. I had to terminate the process from another terminal.

In trying to google a way to quit the program, I discovered that AKCL has been turned into GNU CL and AKCL's last version was created over a decade ago. GNU CL was last updated last year, but its not on the school system.

CLISP is not GNU CL. CLISP, however, is a GNU project. We seem to have a name collision here. Anyway, CLISP is found at

Further snooping around the CLISP website, I've discovered that CLISP does not pass its makefile tests on the Sparc processor. There's no unix/sparc implementation available for download. This could be why the MFCF isn't giving us any help. MIT Scheme might be our best option.


Robert said...

So MIT Scheme seems like our best bet.

Dimitri Gnidash said...

I am currently trying to install Steel Blamk Common Lisp which supports Solaris and was recommneded by