Sunday, November 05, 2006

Next step: Lexical Analyzer

We have couple of options at this stage.

1). We can go off and keep reading the compiler text book and a Lisp text book.

2). We can start implementing a A1 which is a lexical anylzer and a parser.
This is under question since we don't know whcih language to use; Cormack decided to ignore our plea about Python.

3). This is my favourite option. There is a need to SQL-92 parser to verify if SQL code complies with SQL-92 standard. There are, of course commercial products, but nothing on the web where you can just post your sql to the form and it will check the code for SQL-92 compliance. The beauty of this project is that exactly fits in with our learning requirements for A1. We only need to implement a lexical analyzer and a parser. Grammar for SQL-92 already exists.

We might be able to reuse lexical analyzer and parser for other grammars, basically A1. I am not even talking about benefits like small ad revenue, industry exposure, and a better looking resume.

What are your thoughts?


Dimitri Gnidash said...

Did some more researchand found SQL Validators...I ma pretty sure they didn't exist a year ago:(

Robert said...

As of right now, I'm learning Common Lisp. I cannot stray too far away from that right and to be frank it's going far too slow.

If we're going to be using SBCL or Scheme then I want to be an expert on Lisp by the time we start coding. Otherwise, I won't know what we're capable or incapable of given our choice of language.

Unfortunately, due to work, tutorials, social garbage, and SAD I can't divide my time up more than work and doing Lisp tutorials. If I do anymore than that I won't be able to focus and lose time due to multitasking too much.

I'm going to opt with 1).

Dimitri Gnidash said...

well u still do it in Lisp. it is much easier to learn the language by doing than reading a textbook or so the common knowledge goes...Since opt 3). is dead anyways... I am not suggesting anything.:(

Btw, do you guys want to post "cool things to do with Lisp"?

Robert said...

I'd prefer to go through the textbook. Afterwards I'm gung-ho for those types of things though.

Ian said...

I agree with Rob. I don't have enough time to learn lisp, study the compilers text, and do extra projects. It seems I barely have enough time to read the lisp book to begin with. Anyhow, I second option one for now.

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