Sunday, February 11, 2007

Suite Dreams are Made of This ...

Test Suite

I updated the test suite. It was a natural extension of yours Dimitri. Now it loads all test cases from /incorrect/ and /correct/ that are subdirectories of /testsuite/. There are few Lisp resources on how to navigate through the filesystem. I think it's dependent perhaps on platform but nonetheless it took a while to get this working on SBCL. This line of code did not work on clisp the last time I checked:

(setf correct-directory (directory (make-pathname :name :wild :type "adb" :directory '(:relative "testsuite/correct"))))

That pulls the pathname of every file matching adb filetype inside said directory. Now our testsuite checks whether a file passes or fails and then tallies it up at the end. I've added output suppression to the branch in 0.9 so that we can simply see the results of executing our program.

Also testsuite.lisp must be executed from one directory below. The reason is because the load files are executed using a relative path to the executing one. So they're one directory off. I couldn't find a variable that I could edit that'll solve it. I may look into the source for this but as of now, we can only do this this way.

Please note that now we are editing out of the trunk. We're doing small regression tests to ensure that all the changes to the branch have been made.

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