Monday, October 30, 2006

SVN Server

We can use the SVN server I have running on TO mapster. The only thing I will have to do is setup permissions. I think we can cross that off our list.

We might need a backup scheme which I can set up by using our UW accounts/Gmail.
We can have a service running on UW machines that downloads the code, packages, and sends it over to Gmail account. I already have something like that.


Ian said...

Cool, sounds good. I wonder if we can easily work in an automated build process too, to verify that check-ins don't break the build.

... er, I've been at work too long.

Dimitri Gnidash said...

I loath to use cruisecontrol because it is unwieldy and hard to set up. Do you have a tool in mind? We can build it would take less than a dya probably. All it has to do is connect to svnserver and check the version number every hour or so. Actually, we cna just use svn command....Oh yeah, would be really easy to build. Run a script as deamon it wakes up every hour and checks SVN version using svn command. If different, does the checkout and runs the unit tests. I am behind a residential line so no emailing of results.
We can run it on UW servers in which case we can do email/backups

Ian said...

If you can easily set that up once we know how exactly our project's build/makefiles will be set up then I think its worth pursuing.

I have no experience setting up an autobuild environment though. I've only seen them in use. If you think its doable, then you're our man. We'll just have to spend a good chunk of time at the beginning figuring out how to build the project to make auto builds useful.

Dimitri Gnidash said...

God, I hope we are not using makefiles:P It is Lisp so I imagine we will just run it in an interpreter.

Ian said...

I'm thinking we'll do both interpreted and compiled lisp, one for quick testing, one for quick compiling. I dunno. We'll have to see when we get there.

What's wrong with makefiles :P

Dimitri Gnidash said...

"what's wrong with compilers?"

You obviously don't value ur life very much;)

Makefiles is the most outdated and craptacular technology on the planet.
Don't even get me started on the wonderful syntax.

Ian said...

Fair enough. So what alternatives do we have available on our unix accounts?