Friday, October 13, 2006


List of things to do regarding this blog and/or the compilers course itself
  • Ensure Lisp is completely understood before the course begins
  • Ensure that the Compilers textbook has (mostly) been read and understood before the course begins
  • Have a rough idea of the tools required to make the compiler and what, if not all, will be written in Lisp
  • Decide whether the compiler itself will be written in Lisp
  • Talk to Prof Cormack about what is appropriate and inappropriate content for this blog (re UW's cheating policies)
Anything else, Rob?

1 comment:

Dimitri Gnidash said...

fuck appropriatness... Will just mangle our names:)

Ian will become Ion
Rob will just use his real name Fat Tounge
Dimitri hmmm... need to come up with something to glorify myself:)