Friday, October 13, 2006

Todo (redux)

Hmmm let's see:
  • Decide where we'll be doing a majority of our coding in term of location
  • Decide where we'll be doing a majority of our coding in terms of programming environment (not sure we'll be SSH-ing, do we have clisp or something at school?)
  • Source control if we're not doing it at school; if so, get SVN set up before we get there
  • Finalize the darned group, see if we'll be able to get a Google member before it ends
  • Bug tracking? :P (I'm thinking of a small business project)
  • Condoms for all those females that we'll be so obviously having relations with
That's all I can think of right now.

1 comment:

Ian said...

Rob meant Microsoft member, not Google. He's referring to someone who may end up joining our team if Dimitri leaves. Dun dun dunnnnnn.

And "before it ends", I think Rob is referring to the end of this term.