Tuesday, February 06, 2007

It's 2AM and She Calls Me 'Cuz I'm Still Awake

Alright, the scanner went through a number of revisions. The latest one that we have right now, I am most satisfied with. It handles error-detection for a lack of a better term sex-tastically.

Unfortunately, Ian and I performed a conversion for the scanner and lisp for greater readability and maintainability. The tokens were originally in lists and we converted them into defstructs. During this conversion Ian ran into an error that bypassed Dimitri's eye in the grammar. Unfortunately, Ian was not able to resolve this error. The changes that Ian and I made were trashed. Huge amount of time was lost due to this.

So we had to branch our code and go back from revision 81 to 74. During this branch I accidentally removed my directory with my copies of an error formatter that were not checked-in and I lost a decent amount of work.

Dimitri realized that he had been running one of Cormack's tool with the command

./slr -c -l [file]

What this does is use the slr tool to generate tables for our grammar. The -l tag outputs human readable output. The problem with that? The errors are printed at the top and not the bottom. Our SLR grammar has been unreadable for who knows how long.

Ian's implementation of the umm ... error recovery has been deemed infeasible given time constraints. Ian's working on writing the document. I personally am working on the writing up the scanner and writing tests for the scanner. Even though Dimitri is against this I would prefer a robust scanner but Dimitri wants me to run tests on the parser. I am alotting myself a 30 minutes to recreate the error reporting module that was destroyed. 20 minutes to make the scanner more robust.

After that, I am going to join Dimitri on the parser until sunrise. After submission however I am not going to compilers. I'm going to be catching up on PL.

Some bad design decisions were made. Ian realized that his archaic executable ways were no longer welcome =). Dimitri is still all about getting it done. I am working along as always. I don't feel so bad though. When I look to the left I see some facebook and cyber-loafing. It's 3am on the dot. By 4am hopefully I'll be joining Dimitri.

Wish me luck.


Dimitri Gnidash said...

haha that is a good description of what happend:) Fun times! Let's not do it again:)

Dimitri Gnidash said...

I wanted to read the one about positions available though:)

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