Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Nice programming language

I got all excited about Nice lamguage because somebody mentioned that it has inference typing. After doing some research on the language, it seems that the language is quite a bit of improvement of Java with some really nice features, but it doesn't have inference typeing:(

So, then I learned about this other language, "Clean", that is also compiled and is said to have inference typing I am investigating that at the moment. Unfortunately, it is a purely functional language so somethings might be sufficiently different.

I am learning bits and pieces of these obscure languages though so it is good:)


Ian said...

What? Are you saying there's a programming language called "Nice", and another called "Clean"? How bizarre.

Dimitri Gnidash said...

There are so many bizzare languages out there. I just love digging through them. I got a new lead on not so bizzare language OCaml. It is a fairly popular though still an exotic language. It is not fully functional, compiled, and is said to have type inference. I will look into that today.

Ian said...

I've heard of OCaml. Don't know anything about it though, other than its popular for an exotic language.

How strong is your Common Lisp?

Dimitri Gnidash said...

Non existent:)

Ian said...

Well then -_-;;

Haha. I recommend (require) that you get a good lisp book (Rob and I both bought Paul Graham's ANSI Common Lisp) and read through it doing the exercises.

The exercises can be trying, but some are quite novel and fun. Plus one of the examples in the book is a ray tracer! A working ray tracer written in ~100 lines of lisp. Very cool.